segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2014


01 -Tirinhas normalmente retratam o cotidiano da vida de forma irônica e divertida. Na tirinha anterior, o humor reside
a)      no paradoxo entre tomar tantos remédios e ir à festas. '
b)     no fato de o jovem desejar viver como seu avô.
c)      na necessidade que o avô tem de tomar remédios para viver.
d)     no fato de o avô demonstrar para seu neto que tem uma vida exemplar.
e)      no estilo de vida de um senhor de sucesso.

National Geographic News
Christine Dell' Amore
Published April 26, 2010

Our bodies produce a small but steady amount of natural morphine, a new study suggests. Traces of the chemical are often found in mouse and human urine, leading scientists to wonder whether the drug is being made naturally or being delivered by something the subjects consumed. The new research shows that mice produce the “incredible painkiller”— and that humans and other mammals possess the same chemical road map for making it, said study co-author Meinhart Zenk, who studies plant-based pharmaceuticals at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Missouri.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2010.

02 -Ao ler a matéria publicada na National Geographic para a realização de um trabalho escolar, um estudante descobriu que
a)      os compostos químicos da morfina, produzidos por humanos, são manipulados no Missouri.
b)     os ratos e os humanos possuem a mesma via metabólica para produção de morfina.
c)      a produção de morfina em grande quantidade minimiza a dor em ratos e humanos.
d)     os seres humanos têm uma predisposição genética para inibir a dor.
e)      a produção de morfina é um traço incomum entre os animais.

Viva la Vida
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning and I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy‘s eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
“Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!”
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
MARTIN, C. Viva la vida, Coldplay. In: Viva la vida or Death and all his friends. Parlophone, 2008.

03 -Letras de músicas abordam temas que, de certa forma, podem ser reforçados pela repetição de trechos ou palavras. O fragmento da canção Viva la vida, por exemplo, permite conhecer o relato de alguém que
a)      costumava ter o mundo aos seus pés e, de repente, se viu sem nada.
b)     almeja o título de rei e, por ele, tem enfrentado inúmeros inimigos.
c)      causa pouco temor a seus inimigos, embora tenha muito poder.
d)     limpava as ruas e, com seu esforço, tornou-se rei de seu povo.
e)      tinha a chave para todos os castelos nos quais desejava morar.

04 -Definidas pelos países membros da Organização das Nações Unidas e por organizações internacionais, as metas de desenvolvimento do milênio envolvem oito objetivos a serem alcançados até 2015. Apesar da diversidade cultural, esses objetivos, mostrados na imagem, são comuns ao mundo todo, sendo dois deles:
a)      O combate à AIDS e a melhoria do ensino universitário.
b)     A redução da mortalidade adulta e a criação de parcerias globais.
c)      A promoção da igualdade de gêneros e a erradicação da pobreza.
d)     A parceria global para o desenvolvimento e a valorização das crianças.
e)      A garantia da sustentabilidade ambiental e o combate ao trabalho infantil.

PALEY, Nina. Available at: <http://mimiandeunicecom>Accessed on: Feb. 28, 2011.

05 -De acordo com o dicionário Houaiss, hipocrisia é o “ato ou efeito de fingir, de dissimular os verdadeiros sentimentos, intenções; fingimento, falsidade".
No caso da tirinha apresentada, a atitude de Mimi em relação a Eunice é considerada hipócrita porque consiste em
a)      fingir ser alguém cujas ideias são sempre originais, ainda que sejam, na verdade, cópias das criações de Eunice.
b)     exigir, por meio de ameaças, que Eunice seja um modelo empresarial, embora a própria Mimi não consiga sê-lo.
c)      ameaçar processar Eunice caso esta copie algo seu, ainda que a própria Mimi demonstre não ter ideias originais.
d)     tentar impedir que Eunice copie suas ideias empresariais, já que entende que a cópia é inaceitável em qualquer situação.
e)      processar Eunice por ter copiado suas ideias, embora seu modelo de conduta tenha sido, na verdade, criado pela amiga.

06 -Na fase escolar, é prática comum que os professores passem atividades extraclasse e marquem uma data para que as mesmas sejam entregues para correção. No caso da cena da charge, a professora ouve uma estudante apresentando argumentos para
a)      discutir sobre o conteúdo do seu trabalho já entregue.
b)     elogiar o tema proposto para o relatório solicitado.
c)      sugerir temas para novas pesquisas e relatórios.
d)     reclamar do curto prazo para entrega do trabalho.
e)      convencer de que fez o relatório solicitado.

Sénchez Vicario loses her winnings
MADRID: Former Spanish tennis ace Arantxa Sanchez Vicario blames her parents for losing the roughly 45 million euros ($60 million) she earned throughout her career, in a new book published this week.
The 40-year-old, who retired in 2002 after winning four Grand Slam titles and once holding the number one ranking, said she no longer speaks to her parents, whom she accuses of mismanaging the money she earned through endorsements and tournament wins.
“They left me with nothing", she wrote in the book of memoirs called Let’s Go! Memories of a fight, a life and a woman which hit bookstores in Spain on Tuesday.
Sánchez Vicario said she owed Spanish tax authorities money and was poorer than her older brother Javier even though “he won far fewer tournaments throughout his career.”
“Should I accept this abuse and shut up? I am not going to do it”, she wrote in the book.
She also blamed her parents for being slapped with a fine of 3,5 million euros for paying her taxes in Andorra instead of in Spain.
“This was very hard for me. Once again, it is a case of the people who managed my career making decisions without consulting me”, Sanchez Vicario wrote in the book.
Available at: <
top-stories>. Accessed on: May 10, 2012 (Adaptation).

07 -Histórias de atletas que fizeram fortuna e perderam tudo são comuns. O texto anterior apresenta mais um desses casos: a tenista Arantxa Sanchez Vicario alega ter perdido todo o dinheiro que ganhou em sua carreira e culpa
a)      o fechamento de maus contratos de uso de imagem.
b)     seus pais por gerenciarem de forma inconveniente seu patrimônio.
c)      o alto investimento feito para o lançamento de sua autobiografia.
d)     seu irmão mais velho Javier, que não teve tanto sucesso quanto ela.
e)      o equivoco de ter pagado seus impostos em Andorra, e não na Espanha.

Kids is a 1995 American drama film written by Harmony Korine and directed by Larry Clark. The film features Chloë Sevigny, Leo Fitzpatrick, Justin Pierce, and Rosario Dawson, all of them in their debut performances. The film is centered on a day in the life of a group of sexually active teenagers in New York City and their unrestrained
behavior towards sex and substance abuse (alcohol and illegal drugs) during the era of HIV in the mid-1990s.
Available at:< on: Feb. 01, 2011.

08 - De acordo com o anúncio anterior, o filme Kids
a)      custou mais de 20 milhões de dólares para ser produzido.
b)     foi produzido e dirigido pela mesma pessoa.
c)      foi produzido em 91 minutos.
d)     arrecadou 1,5 milhão de dólares.
e)      foi lançado em 1995 pela Lionsgate.

09 - O filme trata de
a)      jovens alcoólatras e homossexuais.
b)     um grupo de viciados em sexo.
c)      adolescentes lutando contra o HIV.
d)     jovens libertinos na era do HIV.
e)      polêmica da discriminação da Aids.

10 -Aproveitando-se de seu status social e da possível influência sobre seus fãs, o famoso músico Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos love, power e peace para justificar sua opinião de que
a)      a paz tem o poder de aumentar o amor entre os homens.
b)     a amor pelo poder dever ser menor do que o poder do amor.
c)      o poder deve ser compartilhado entre aqueles que se amam.
d)     o amor pelo poder é capaz de desunir cada vez mais as pessoas.
e)      a paz será alcançada quando a busca pelo poder deixar de existir.

quarta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2014


Title: Prince William of Wales, Duke of Cambridge
Full Name: William Arthur Philip Louis
Father: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales
Mother: Diana, Princess of Wales
Relation to Elizabeth II: Grandson
Born: June 21, 1982 at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London
Married: Catherine Middleton on April 29, 2011

Prince William was born on June 21, 1982 in London and is the oldest son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. He was christened by the Archbishop of Canterbury at Buckingham Palace on August 4, 1982. His parents divorced in 1996 and his mother Princess Diana was killed in a car accident in 1997. He and his brother Harry had to endure intense media interest following the death and funeral of Diana. He attended schools in London and Berkshire. He was interested in swimming and football and was captain of a team. From 2000 to 2001 he visited Belize where he took part in an army training exercise, Chile where he worked on a dairy farm as a volunteer and 15 weeks studying conservation in Africa. On his return he entered the University of St Andrews in Scotland where he started to study History of Art but later changed to Geography, graduating in 2005.

In January 2006 ____ became a cadet at Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst joining _____ brother who had been there since May 2005. In January 2009 he started training as a pilot of rescue helicopters. In September 2013 ____ was announced that his active service with the RAF would end so that he could concentrate on his royal and public service duties in support of his grandmother the Queen. 

His interests include sports and he is the president of England Football Association. He supports Aston Villa football club. As one of the world’s most eligible bachelors, his relationship with his long-term girlfriend Catherine (Kate) Middleton that he met at University in 2001 was closely followed by the media, with reports about a break up for a few months in 2007 and rumors at the time that they were just good friends’; however they were increasingly seen together at public events. 

Prince William asked ____ to marry ____ during a holiday in Kenya and the engagement ring belonged to his late mother Diana. The engagement was announced on November 16, 2010 and ____ got married on April 29, 2011. Prince William and Catherine were made Duke and Duchess of Cambridge by the Queen on _____ marriage. Their first official Royal Tour was to Canada in July 2011 and they toured Malaysia, Singapore, Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu as part of the Queen's Jubilee celebrations in 2012. He is second in line to the British throne after his father Charles, Prince of Wales. If he accedes to the throne after his father he will become King William V and his wife Queen Catherine. Their first child Prince George was born on July 22, 2013.
                                                                                                  Adapted from

1. No texto deste capítulo, sobre o Príncipe William, os espaços devem ser preenchidos com pronomes pessoais ou adjetivos/pronomes possessivos. Marque a alternativa com as palavras adequadas na ordem correta:
a) he – his – he – him – her – they – their        d) he – her – it – her – he – their – they
b) she – his – it – she – him – they – their        e) she – her – him – it – he – they – them
c) he – his – it – her – him – they – their        

2. O Príncipe William é o filho mais velho da Princesa Diana, que faleceu em um acidente de carro em Paris, em 31 de agosto de 1997. De acordo com o texto, o príncipe:
a) frequentou escolas apenas na capital da Inglaterra.
b) namorou Catherine Middleton durante pouco tempo antes de seu casamento.
c) começou a estudar História da Arte depois de passar quase quatro meses na África.
d) deu a Catherine Middleton um anel de noivado que foi um presente da Rainha Elizabeth.
e) nunca foi a outros países com sua esposa.

3. Quando sua mãe faleceu, o príncipe tinha ____________ anos:
a) doze                                                           d) dezesseis
b) quatorze                                                     e) dezoito
c) quinze

4. Em setembro de 2013, o Príncipe William:
a) deixou a Royal Air Force.                            d) declarou que iria presidir a RAF.
b) anunciou a segunda gravidez da esposa.       e) comprou seu primeiro helicóptero.
c) foi ficar ao lado da avó, que estava doente.

5. De acordo com o texto, o que aconteceu nas datas abaixo?
a) 21/06/1982 - _____________________________________________________
b) 04/08/1982 - _____________________________________________________
c) 16/11/2010 - _____________________________________________________
d) 29/04/2011 - _____________________________________________________
e) 22/07/2013 - _____________________________________________________

6. The relationship between Prince William and Catherine Middleton called the attention of the media. They published, for example, that the couple:
a) had become enemies.                                  
b) had put an end to their relationship for a few months.
c) used to argue very frequently.                   
d) had crises of jealousy.
e) were never seen together.

7. Prince William worked in _________ a few years ago.
a) Kenya                                                          d) Malaysia
b) Chile                                                           e) Singapore
c) Africa

8. In the text the word late means:
a) recently                                                      d) lately
b) deceased                                                    e) near the end
c) after the usual time

9. In the sentence “If he accedes to the throne after his father he will become King William V” the underlined words refer to:
a) Prince Charles                                             d) Prince William
b) Prince Harry                                               e) Princess of Wales
c) Duke of Cambridge

10. The word increasingly in “they were increasingly seen together at public events” means:
a) less and less                                                d) once a year
b) very rarely                                                  e) once or twice a week
c) more and more

11. Rewrite these sentences correctly:
a) These boys never do nothing.

 b) The judge was dressed with black.

 c) I’m trying to get rid from my old books.

d) I will see you again when I will come back.

e) As usually, my brother left his books at home. 

f) He think you done a great mistake.

g) I have a old car.

h) He plays the piano very good.

i) She don´t play the piano the way I do. 

j) A lot of mouses were seen in your house.

k) The number of accidents are increasing.

l) You should to help those poor people.

m)  Ingrid visit her relatives every Sunday.

n) Jane´s and Mary´s mom is a very young.

o) Where is the nun? He must be in the convent

1 – C             2 – C             3 – C            4 – A
a) O nascimento do Príncipe William
b) O Príncipe William foi batizado                       
c) O noivado do Príncipe William e Kate Middleton foi anunciado
d) O casamento do Príncipe William e Kate Middleton
e) O nascimento do Príncipe George, filho do Príncipe William e Kate Middleton
6 – B            7 – B              8 – B             9 – A                10 - C             
a) These boys never do anything
b) The judge was dressed in black
c) I´m trying to get rid of my old books
d) I will see you again when I come back
e) As usual my brother left his books at home
f) He thinks you´ve made a great mistake
g) I have an old car
h) He plays the piano very well
i) She doesn´t play the piano the way I do
j) A lot of mice were seen in your house
k) The number of accidents is increasing
l) You should help those poor people
m) Ingrid visits her relatives every Sunday
n) Jane and Mary´s mom is very young
o) Where is the nun? She must be in the convent

domingo, 17 de agosto de 2014


English is a Germanic language of the Indo-European family. The word English is derived from Englisc, the language of the Angles, one of the three Germanic tribes that invaded the British Isles during the 5th century AD. The spread of English beyond the British Isles began with the growth of the British Empire and by the late 19th century it had a great increase.
"Today there are about 6,000 languages in the world and half of the world's population speaks only 10 of them. English is the single most dominant of these 10. British colonialism initiated the spread of English across the globe; it has been spoken nearly everywhere and has become even more prevalent since World War II, with the global reach of American power."
(Christine Kenneally, The First Word. Viking, 2007)                                                                              
More than two billion people all over the world use the English language to communicate: over 400 million people are native speakers and many more speak it as a second or foreign language, and these numbers increase all the time. It is spoken in more than 75 countries as a primary language (in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, among others) and as a second language (in India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, the Philippines and others). The five countries with the highest populations of native English speakers are, in descending order: the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Ireland.
English is the second largest language by number of native speakers, after Mandarin Chinese. But Mandarin Chinese is only really spoken in China, whereas English speakers are found all over the world. This is one of the main reasons for learning English as a second language.
The knowledge of English is very important because:
- it´s the official language in a large number of countries
- it´s the language of science
- most internet content, music, films and books are released in English
- it´s a requirement in various fields and professions like medicine and computing
- it´s the dominant language of business and it has become a necessity. People in several countries have the opportunity to get great jobs depending on their capacity to speak English
- it´s the most used language among foreign language speakers. Throughout the world, when people from different countries come together they usually use English to communicate.

1. De acordo com o texto “The English language”, é correto afirmar que:
a) Há aproximadamente 6.000 línguas no mundo e metade da população mundial fala 10% delas.
b) Uma grande expansão mundial da língua inglesa ocorreu no início do século XIX.
c) Quase meio bilhão de pessoas falam o inglês como língua materna.
d) Dos cinco países com o maior número de falantes nativos do inglês, três são do continente europeu. 
e) Tanto o inglês quanto o chinês são falados em dezenas de países.

2. Marque a alternativa incorreta: A língua inglesa ________________________ .
a) é falada em um grande número de países.
b) tornou-se uma língua mais predominante desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
c) é a língua mais falada no mundo em número de nativos.
d) é geralmente usada quando pessoas de diferentes países se reúnem.
e) é falada em mais de 70 países como primeira ou segunda língua.

3. The number of people who speak English:
a) has been the same for many years.              d) is always on the rise.
b) is getting smaller and smaller.                     e) was bigger a few years ago.
c) is often unchangeable.

4. According to the text:
a) The growth of the British Empire did not contribute to the spread of English.
b) Mandarin Chinese has a large number of native speakers and it´s spoken in all the countries in Asia.
c) In India people speak only the English language.
d) It´s necessary to speak English in order to get good jobs.
e) The American power was essential for the spread of English in the 5th century.

5. “English is spoken nearly everywhere”. In this sentence the word nearly is the same as:
a) far                                                              d) whereas
b) next to                                                       e) almost
c) nearby

6. The pronoun it (line 4) refers to:
a) British Isles.                                               d) spread of English.
b) nineteenth century.                                    e) British Empire.
c) Germanic tribes.

7. Which pair of words from the text are NOT synonyms?
a) over – more than                                         d) all over – throughout
b) various – several                                         e) beyond – about
c) began – initiated

8. The word foreign means:
a) from our own country.                                 d) spoken by everybody in the world.
b) very easy to learn.                                      e) from another part of the world.
c) too difficult to learn.
                                                                      By Milton França/2014